REALTORS® at the White House

In May of 2012, the REALTOR® Party showed Washington, D.C. that it knows how to rally. REALTORS® stood shoulder-to-shoulder united in their belief that home ownership is worth fighting for. It was a monumental day. If you were there in person come back to relive the memories. If you weren’t there stop by to see what happened at the Rally and hear more about what we are fighting for.

Supreme Court Upholds the Constitutionality of the Health Reform Law

On Thursday, June 28th, the Supreme Court issued its decision on the constitutionality of the Affordable Care Act (ACA). In a 5-4 decision, the Court upheld the constitutionality of the health reform law.  While the Court ruled that the health reform act’s individual mandate provision requiring all Americans to have health coverage could not be supported under the Constitution’s Commerce Clause, the majority held that the tax imposed on those who don’t buy insurance is constitutional under the taxing powers granted Congress.

Launch of the New REALTOR® Party Congressional Vote Center

Curious about how your Members of Congress are supporting you on REALTOR® Party issues? Our new REALTOR® Party Congressional Vote Center will now keep you informed about critical votes in Congress. The vote center will track any legislation in which NAR has issued an all-member Call for Action. The Vote Center can be found on the Action Center anytime you need it- but after a critical vote we will email members who take action so that they know how their member of Congress voted.